Protecting your Privacy

30 Nov 2017

What are a Code of Ethics?

From a very young age, my mother instilled the Golden Rule upon me. To treat others as I would wish to be treated. Between being reminded daily that every person is dealing with their own inner demons and the many Ethics courses throughout High School and College, I feel as though I am a considerate person. One who looks at a given situation from not only my perspective, but from alternate perspectives as well as to empathize with their stance. Ethical issues are important to recognize in every field of study. On my path to becoming a computer scientist, I see the relevance of my field in many aspects of daily life. With that level of involvement comes the responsibility all those intricacies entails. Since our field of study impacts many lives, it is important to understand how our work might effect those lives. But we must not only understand the change but must strive to make that change a positive one. The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and the Software Engineering Code of Ethics provides us with the practices necessary to reinforce our moral compass as we produce and as we conduct our research.

Protecting your Privacy

With the many headline breaches and hacks that have occurred within the past few years, the protection of our privacy has never been more important. As the definition of privacy and how we protect it is ever changing in the landscape of big data and its aggregation, our work must continue to go hand in hand with our own code of ethics. We as software engineers must lead in the advancements of the technologies our companies are built upon to the ethical standards we are held to. The collection of data conducted in an ethical way will be what defines our abilities to remain ethical. My pursuit of a security science focus of computer science will rely on my ability to protect the data that allows me to continue the advancements of the technology I wish to shape. I believe that I will always need to do better to protect the investments I am lucky enough to take part in, and I can always count on my belief in the betterment of society to make sure that comes true.